The old perceptions about China must go. China is changing so rapidly that any visiting westerner will see clearly for themselves that the old Maoist regime has faded and a new, very modern China is emerging. Everywhere we went people were talking about change. It was a feeling so real one could feel it in the air.
These pictures show the city Shenzhen (pronounced Shen-jen), and some of the sites at the university where we taught the first week. Connie taught writing and film, and I taught about London, Michelangelo and the Dutch Still Life paintings; after which, we had meaningful personal discussions with numerous students. Here is a shot of the campus lake and the city beyond. The city is China's pride and joy. It was built out of farmland along the ocean. Once a city of a few hundred thousand, it has become a metropolis of multiple millions in just twenty years. The average age of the population is 26 years. It looks like New York City and is crackling with energy and affluence. It was difficult to convince some of the youth that money is not the answer to every ill. These days, China is about making money, and they are pursuing it with enormous vigor.
Art is a huge part of Chinese culture; not only the old, but the new as well. Everywhere we went we saw tons of art, and people who "get it." Meaning, the arts are central to the development of an intelligent and vibrant world. Beauty and creativity lifts the spirit and provides an environment in which people can believe in hopeful visions for their future.
This is the fountain at the center of campus. It projects a distinctly "global" consciousness about the educational environment of China.
Chinese students attend university at very low costs, and a college education for its young people is considered fundamental to China's global success in the future. It made me sit up and take notice of what the future might hold for our own nation.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
FROM PREVIOUS BLOG ENTRY ON - go there to see the photos that accompany these entries. :-)
Our first two days in Hong Kong were an eye-opener. It is both an island and a peninsula. We have spent some time on the island, but our hotel is on the peninsula. The city is full of color and movement, and the aroma of food wafting through the air. The sights of colorful advertisements of so many businesses, and giant advertisements that cover half the size of a tall building are surprising. There are people everywhere and the city is alive all day and all night.
We have had many new experiences. Hong Kong is large and beautiful and busy and warm. Being from Seattle, where the temperature stays moderate all year long, experiencing intense humidity and eighty-something temperatures was a bit of a shift for us, but there is so much air conditioning everywhere, even in some open-to-the-outside businesses. funny.
Wonderful people have become our new friends. Lori, our guide is amazing and lots of fun. Today she takes us to the mainland on the ferry, to meet a lady named Pat, who will take us to Shenzhen university where we will be teaching art, literature and writing English. It seems like everyone here wants to learn English. It has given me new insight into the power of language and the desire for people everywhere to communicate with each other across cultures.
Here is a picture I took from a high point above the city on Saturday night. It is a huge business center, kind of like a fancy mall, but more commercial and recreational. Believe it or not, we ate dinner at Bubba Gumps! How weird that was. But fear not, we are eating LOTS of Chinese food, and things I am not sure I should ask about its contents. All of it is delicious, and Connie is bravely trying to learn to eat with chopsticks. HA!
Oh yes, we were told that the government may block people from posting to blogs, but I hope we can find a way to keep you all on our tour with us.
More later.
Posted by Daniel at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Our flight out of Seattle was delayed three hours, so we missed our first connecting flight in Tokyo for Hong Kong and had to stay in Japan for the night. It was all good, and we had fun seeing a little of the Narita airport.
Northwest Airlines put us up in the Radisson and everyone treated us very well.
On Saturday morning, Connie and I caught a Cathay Pacific flight to Hong Kong at 10 AM, and now we are in HK - safe and sound, and excited about what lays before us.
Here, Connie is having fun with a poster in the Narita airport that makes sport of travelers who through fits over not being able to carry certain forbidden items onto the air craft - like lighters in their suitcase - duh. We are having fun. :-)
Next, pictures of Hong Kong and updates.
Posted by Daniel at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Today we step through a new doorway into a bright world; China! The dragon is awakening.Though itineraries have been set and refined, what awaits in these next five cities and universities is still a mystery in many ways. In the next three weeks that mystery will unfold.In addition to universities, we will also be visiting an International School to explore the "Arts and the Imagination" with children from Kindergarten through High School. This is going to be delightful!In every place, from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, from Xian to Nanchang, people are excited about inviting us into their worlds.
Yes, we go as teachers with much to share, but more than that, we go as students with even more to learn. That sounds like a cliche', but it is truer than truth itself.This journey will be wondrous in many ways, and we are so grateful to all of our friends who have made this journey possible. Thank you! - thank you for participating with us in this adventure. We are so full of appreciation for special friends like you. You know who you are - and we do too :-) Your generosity will not be forgotten.
C'mon along! Stay with us to see what unfolds. Visit The Illuminatrium often.My next blog will be from China!!!
Posted by Daniel at 2:05 PM 0 comments
(To see the art of Daniel Rice, visit